Posts authored by gigi
page 349
That would be terrible.
page 348
He’ll think that means “go for it!”
page 347
She’s not your girl!
(At the time of writing, there are just two hours left on the Book Two Kickstarter! You know, for any last-minute pledges. Again, a huge thank you to everyone who helped us surpass our funding goal by over $60,000! You guys are the best.)
page 346
You’re not my boy.
page 345
Oh, not like that.
page 344
(Maybe she’s busy pledging to the Book Two Kickstarter. Just three days left!)
page 343
As her father once said, “Culture’s for dorks!”
…but the Kickstarter is not! There are just 4 days left!
page 342
Probably not actually a fan.
(Seven days left on the Kickstarter!)
page 341
(The Book Two Kickstarter is politely knocking at your door, by the way. Eight days left!)